Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog 17: Hop On The Review Train

Dear Class,

For this week's post, I would like for you to review your last blog and look over the topics that you felt were your "weaknesses" on your Practice Exam.  You are to visit (or find any other videos from the websites listed on the "Calculus Help" page) and search for a video that covers this topic.

Please do a little research, as while there are many videos out there on Calculus topics -- let's face it-- some of them are just plain boring.  Please choose a video that you feel is worthy of showing to the whole class.  I plan on showing these throughout the next couple of weeks.

For your blog, please provide the following:
  1. Calculus topic.  What is one concept that you need to thoroughly review?
  2. The hyperlink to the video.  Where can we find it?
  3. What you like about the video.  Why did you choose this one?  Or why do you think it is "worthy" to share with the class?
  4. What you learned from the video.  How did it help you?
Of course, you are welcome to find more videos on the other concepts you need help on.  That, of course, would be the smart AP Calculus thing to do.  But for this blog, you are only required to share one of them.

Mrs. Guthrie

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dear AP Calculus Class,

Hooray!  It's Review Time!

Image from Google Images.

You have just completed your first full length Practice Exam.  I would like for you to reflect on the following; please reference specific problems from your Practice Exam.

Name the top 3 concepts you need to work on.  Please tell me what it is you feel you need to work on regarding these concepts.

Name the top 2 concepts you feel you don't need to review as much.  These are topics that you feel very confident in and scored well with on our Practice Exam.

Note:  Please make sure your responses are thoughtful and at least 3-4 sentences for each.  Thank you.

Mrs. Guthrie