Choose to respond to one of the following prompts. Please feel free to include any quotes, pictures, videos, etc.
1. I'm sure you are already thinking about applying to college, or perhaps, if you are a seniors, you are applying as we speak. In general, what are two aspects of college that excite you? What are two (or more) things may cause some anxiety? (If you are already applying, please share which colleges to which you are applying.)
2. As a bright and gifted student, have you ever spent time outside of the traditional school year in an educational program? For instance, some organizations and colleges how summer camps for bright high school students, weekend retreats, internships, etc. If yes, please share your experience. If no, would you be interested and why/why not?
3. Looking back on your high school experience, how much have you grown as a student and as an individual since you were a freshman? For some students, this may just be last year-- in this case, think back to 8th grade. For others, you may have grown in maturity, in your studies, in responsibilities, sports, clubs, etc. Please share a part of your story.
Mrs. Guthrie